Fortnightly Subscription Orders.

If you want to set up a regular delivery of our fresh farm produce, you can do so down below. Please note that we have specific delivery days and orders close 10am Monday, the week of your delivery. You will receive an order confirmation with your subscription confirmation and your order will arrive on the selected day.

After a one off order? Shop here.

Through our website, you can order and pay using your visa card/debit card for both one off products and subscription products. If you would prefer to pay via bank transfer, you cannot order through the website. Instead, fill in the form here and set up your automatic payment to the bank account below. Please make sure your automatic payments reflect the correct price & order frequency.

Tapper Industries LTD

Please use your name as reference.



After a one off purchase? Shop here.

After a weekly order, shop here. Or for monthly shop here.